

Soil Conservation Training School was established in the year 1961 at Miran Sahib, Jammu to impart specialized training in Soil and Water Conservation to the in-service officials of Government Departments including Agriculture, Horticulture, State Forest Corporation, Directorate of Soil Conservation, besides the Forest Department. Apart from it, the school has been imparting entry level training to Forest Guards, Class-IV and SFC employees, and also conducting refresher courses / training workshops for Range Officers, Wildlife Officers, Foresters and Forest Guards. The school is also conducting entry level training of Foresters since the year 1992.


The overall administrative, financial and professional control of the Training School vests with Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, J&K. The Chief Conservator of Forests, Working Plan Research & Training, J&K and Conservator of Forests, Working Plan Circle, J&K, are the Controlling Officers of the School and provide assistance to the PCCF in all matters pertaining to training of frontline staff. A DCF/ACF level officer serves as Principal of the School, who runs the training courses and School affairs with the help of Instructors, Curators and ministerial staff / field staff.


A ) ADMINISTRATIVE BLOCK:- The training school has an adequately developed Administrative Block for the purpose of administration. It also houses a Library, Computer Lab, Forest Museum, Two Lecture Halls, Conference Hall and a Guest Room.

B ) HOSTEL BLOCK:- It comprises of 3 Hostels of varying capacities for trainees. Hostel block includes fitness gym for trainees, Recreation hall and other facilities like Washrooms, Bathrooms & Toilet Complexes. Mess cum dining hall is also available for trainees.

C ) RESIDENTIAL AREA:- The training school has adequate residential facilities for the Principal, Vice-Principal & Instructors.

D ) WATER SUPPLY STATION AND OVERHEAD WATER TANK:- A fully functional tube well and Over head water tank are available for round the clock water supply to cater the needs of the campus.

E ) GENSET:- The gensets are available to ensure uninterrupted supply of power during the power cuts.

F ) PLAYGROUND:- To increase stamina and endurance of the trainees by way of regular field exercises, PT and games, the school is equipped with playground facilities.

G ) BUS FACILITY:- The school has its own bus facility for conducting the field tours of trainees.

Activities of Soil Conservation Training School, Miran Sahib

    The training school performs following activities:
  • 1. Imparting Physical Fitness to the trainees by way of engaging the trainees in PT, drill, field exercises and evening games.
  • 2. Imparting knowledge of Forestry and allied subjects by way of Class works, Field practicals, Study tours/Hands-on, Herbaria preparation, Assignments and Presentations.
  • 3. Imparting knowledge on topics of latest advances in forestry, topics of urgent needs and topics of practical needs in field by means of Guest Lectures by senior forest officers, Workshops, Seminars, Modules  etc.

The Soil Conservation Training School has a rich history of conducting training programmes and following training programmes have been conducted since inception

  • 1. Kashmir Forester’s Training Course (1 year)
  • 2. Forest Guard’s Training Course (6 months)
  • 3. Basic Forestry Training Course for FPF Inspectors (6 months)
  • 4. Soil Conservation Training for Foresters/Dy. Foresters
  • 5. Revenue Training to Foresters regarding Demarcation of Forests
  • 6. Basic Training Course in Forestry for Social Forestry Workers
  • 7. Basic Training Course in Forestry for Social Forestry Motivators
  • 8. Orientation Course for Class-IV employees (1 week)
  • 9. Refresher Training Course for Range Officers (1 week)
  • 10. Training Workshops / Modules / Seminars on contemporary issues on Forestry, Wildlife and Environment, Laws, Cross LOC Trade, Use of GPS and other Apps, etc.
  • 11. Online Web Based Training Programmes for Frontline Staff of Forest Department.

Achievements of Soil Conservation Training School since inception (Till Sep, 2021)

3 Soil Conservation Training for Foresters/Dy. Foresters 968
4 Basic training course in Forestry for FPF Inspectors (06 Months) 67
5 Basic training course in  Forestry for Social Forestry Workers 34
6 Basic training course in  Forestry for Social Forestry Motivators 299
7 Refresher Training Courses for Range Officers 54
8 One week refresher training course for Class-IV employees of Forest Deptt. & its allied wings. 46
9 Workshop/Practical training on – GPS & GIS, First Aid & Disaster Management for Foresters & Forest Guards, Revenue Training on Demarcation 166
10 Online Web Based Training Programme for Frontline Staff of Forest Department on – Forest Protection, Nursery Management, Soil Conservation Measures & RFD, Use of Guard Book, Biodiversity Act, Access & Benefit Sharing, Biodiversity Heritage Sites, Mitigation & Adaptation to Climate Change, Ecotourism, World Ozone Day 2519
Total 5777