

The Forest Guard Training School Started functioning in separate Campus to impart training to Forest Guards of the Forest department and sister organizational from June 1988 at Doomi. The  new campus is situated at 21 kms from Jammu on Jammu-Akhnoor  highway road on the banks of River Chenab. The school Campus is old boom complex of forest department which become non functional with coming up of hydro electric project at Reasi on river Chenab spread over 8 acres of land. The School complex has sylvan surroundings and has sufficient buildings and a play ground.


The school imparts professional training in Forestry to subordinate forest staff of the ranks of foresters, forest guards of J&K Forest department, J&K state forest corporation and Forest protection force. The incoming trainees are nominated by the chief conservator of forests, Kashmir / Jammu from among the existing members of the sub-ordinate, forest staff.


The administrative control of the school vests with the principal chief conservator of Forests, Jammu and Kashmir Government. Chief conservator of forests, Working Plan, Training and research and Conservator of forests, Working plan circle, Srinagar / Jammu. An Assistant Conservator of forests (Principal) is in charge of the school and runs the school affairs with the help of two instructors, one Curator, one Senior Assistant and one Junior Assistant.


S. No. Designation Sanctioned Strength In Position Vacant
1 ACF 1 ---
2 Range Officer 2 1 2
3 Forester 1 2 ---
4 Forest Guard 1 1 ---
5 Jr. Assistant 2 2 ---
6 Orderly 2 1 1
7 Chowkidar 1 1 ---
8 Mali 1 1 ---
9 Chainman 2 2 ---
10 Watcher 1 1 ---


The mandate of this school is to impart training to the untrained Forest Guards and class IV employees of the forest department and equivalent from other sister departments which includes social Forestry, Wildlife, Directorate of Soil Conservation and Forest Protection Force, Forest guards training Course ( 6 Months ).


1.  Basic Forestry Training Course for FPF Inspectors ( 6 Months )

2.  Orientation Course for Class - IV employees ( 1 Week )

3.  Refresher Training Course for Range Officers ( 1 Week )

4.  Training Workshops / Seminars on Contemporary issues on Forestry, Wildlife and Environment


Since the establishment of this institute 5 batches of forest guards comprising 1422 forest guards have passed out and serving the department with great zeal and enthusiasm. Besides this 291 Class-IV trainees and 169 trainees of the Forest Protection Force have also been passed out from this institute. School has trained about 1921 trainees of various departments the detail of which are given below:-


S. No. Trainees Batches Number Remarks
1 Forest Guards 55 1422
2 FPF  Guards 9 169  
3 Class- IV 18 291
56th Forest Guard Present 37
    Total 1920

Facilities and infrastructure


1. Administrative block:- One principal office, Staff room, Instructor’s room.

2. Fully equipped computer with internet facilities for trainees for practical training in modern tools and technology in forestry.

3. Conference hall:- with PA system.

4. Lecture Hall.

5. Library:- A well stock library with Photostat facilities.

6. Hostel block:- B&C ( For accommodation of trainees ).

 7. Common Kitchen / Mess /dining hall:- One common room ( Indoor Games ) .



8. For sports:- Cricket ground cum football ground, Badminton court, Basketball Court, Volleyball Court.

9. Guesthouse:- Consisting of two rooms and a dining hall.

10. New principal residence:- Comprising of two rooms and lobby.